Volume 21, Number 2
Contents - Volume 21, Number 2
Published December 2017
Volume 21, Number 2 (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 21, Number 2
Research Papers
Capacity building for child and adolescent mental health in disaster areas: Learning from the experiences
of mental health care workers in Indonesia
Theresia Citraningtyas, Martina Wiwie, Nurmiati Amir, Hervita Diatri &Tjhin Wiguna
Keywords: training, disaster, children and adolescents, mental health workers
This paper describes lessons learned from mental health workers who participated in Capacity Building for Child and Adolescent Mental Health in Disaster Areas (CAMHD) training of trainers in Jakarta. This training module was developed by the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Division of the Department of Psychiatry of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and partners, in collaboration with the Institute of Mental Health Singapore and supported by Temasek Foundation, Singapore. Mixed methods research was conducted to evaluate the training and to learn from the participants’ experiences. Data were collected from the training participants in the form of pre and post tests, questionnaires demographic data, training evaluation forms, and focus group discussions. All research participants (n = 16) demonstrated increased knowledge, with a statistically significant mean difference of pretest and posttest scores (p < 0.001). Important lessons imparted included early detection – especially using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, case formulation, and comprehensive management, including Psychological First Aid (and crisis intervention. In terms of training process, training participants appeared to particularly appreciate active learning processes such as case studies, role plays, and discussions, which allowed them to share their experiences. The current research also identified further training and development needs for child and adolescent mental health in disaster areas.
A systematic review exploring the presence of Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue, and Secondary
Traumatic Stress in Alcohol and Other Drug Clinicians
Peter Huggard, Janice Law & David Newcombe
Keywords: compassion fatigue, secondary traumatic stress, vicarious trauma, alcohol and drug clinicians/counsellors, systematic literature review.
The terms secondary traumatic stress, compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma are often used in literature to describe emotional consequences for health professionals working with traumatised clients. While research has paid some attention to social workers, care givers and other health professions in contact with traumatised clients, little specific attention has been paid to clinicians working in the alcohol and drug field. This article reports on a systematic review of literature that looked at what had been said about one or more of the three terms outlined above, for professionals that work within the alcohol and drug field. The aim of this review is twofold. Firstly, to increase awareness of an issue that appears to have gone unnoticed within this sector. Secondly, to highlight the importance of such awareness for clinicians and those involved in managing services within this sector. The current review found few published papers that investigated these terms with reference to alcohol and drug clinicians. However, the available literature reviewed did show that alcohol and drug clinicians are at risk of experiencing secondary traumatic stress and compassion fatigue. No literature was found that discussed vicarious trauma. The implications of this absence of literature are discussed, particularly with reference to the health and wellbeing of alcohol and drug clinicians. Recommendations for future research in this area are discussed.
Impact of riverbank erosion: A case study
Tuhin K Das, Sushil K Haldar, Debaprasad Sarkar, Marion Borderon, Stefan Kienberger, Ivy Das Gupta, Sangeeta Kundu & Debarati Guha-Sapir
Keywords: riverbank erosion, socioeconomic impact, displacement, human poverty, rehabilitation policy
Human displacement is liable to occur in riverside regions where people are vulnerable to riverbank erosion. This vulnerability depends on factors such as population density and the economic conditions of the region’s population. Short-term socioeconomic impacts on the displaced population include loss of home, agricultural land, jobs and assets. There will also be long-term socioeconomic impacts on the displaced population, including direct impacts on their living conditions and indirect impacts on human health and development, such as schooling for children and the health of mothers and children. Generally, short-term impacts are assessed in terms of needs for ex post assistance. However, the long-term socioeconomic impacts of riverbank erosion are rarely assessed from a policy perspective. The present study assesses these long-term impacts of bank erosion along the River Ganges. Analysis of survey data showed that the long-term socioeconomic impacts are severe, including increased income, or expenditure, poverty and also human poverty, in terms of poor living conditions, health and education. This paper concludes with a discussion of rehabilitation policy based on the survey results.
Research Update
Assessing research priorities and practices following the 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake
Tracy Hatton, Robert Kipp, Charlotte Brown & Erica Seville
Keywords: Post disaster research; research practice; collaborative research
A disaster event is an opportunity for researchers to inform recovery efforts and to learn more about disaster impacts, response and recovery. It is also an important time to reflect on how well the research community is working together to inform policy and practice to reduce the impacts of future disaster events. Following the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake, social science researchers and disaster management practitioners gathered from across New Zealand to discuss these issues. Participants identified immediate needs in collecting perishable data related to understanding earthquake impacts, recovery best practice, and collaboration and engagement practices. They also identified the need for the social science community to improve their effectiveness in a post-disaster environment, to maximise impact and minimise community disruption. A set of principles for best practice post-disaster research have been proposed.

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